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Shin-Etsu (信越)

Shin-Etsu (信越)

Shin-Etsu 信越集团在世界各地生产多种多样的产品。现在,海外销售额占到全集团的大约三分之二。PVC方面,位于美国的Shintech是全球最大的PVC厂商,产品销往美国国内和世界各地。硅片方面,Shin-Etsu 信越集团在日本、美国、马来西亚、欧洲、台湾均设有生产网点,形成能够分散业务风险的网络体系。此外,在经济发展潜力巨大的中国以及亚洲的多个国家,Shin-Etsu 信越集团设立了各种业务的生产及销售网点,面对将来日益扩大的需求,积极开展投资活动。


聚氯乙烯树脂(PVC)作为住宅和基础设施建设不可或缺的基本材料,在世界范围内得到了广泛的利用。此外,与其他塑料产品不同,PVC的原料中盐占到大约60%,因此PVC是一种不太依赖于资源量有限的石油和天然气的环保产品。由于PVC具备优异的环保特性,因此用PVC制成的产品有助于节能。Shin-Etsu 信越集团在美国成立的Shintech公司拥有全球最大规模的从原料到成品的一条龙生产工厂,目前正通过积极开展销售活动,向全球客户提供高质量的产品。

半导体元件被广泛用于个人电脑以及平板电脑、智能手机、移动电话、汽车、家电产品等领域。半导体元件的电路板由硅片构成。在硅片的生产方面,Shin-Etsu 信越集团追求全球最顶级的质量,为提高半导体元件的性能助一臂之力,同时还通过全球各网点向客户稳定供货,为半导体元件的稳定生产做贡献。

有机硅被广泛用于汽车、电子设备、化妆品、建筑、食品等领域,Shin-Etsu 信越集团生产的有机硅产品超过5,000种。有机硅所具有的诸多优异特性正在使人类的生活变得更加舒适和丰富多彩。


Shin-Etsu 信越集团生产的诸多材料虽不能直接被人们所看到,但却被广泛用于与人们生活密切相关的各个领域。


Shin-Etsu 信越集团力求在全球进一步强化现有主力业务,将主力业务产生的稳定收益作为研发资金来源,努力推动研发工作的开展,同时还致力于准确掌握客户需求,在预见潜在需求和技术革新动向的基础上开发新产品,由此扩大业务规模。


开展秉公守法的企业活动是经营的根本。作为一家值得社会信赖的公司,Shin-Etsu 信越集团在开展企业活动时始终最优先考虑安全和环保因素,并努力通过材料和技术,为保护地球环境做贡献。

Shin-Etsu 信越集团将进一步提高通过以往的企业活动积累的产品、销售、生产技术、研发方面的实力,在全球范围内不断迎接各种挑战,努力为社会发展做出贡献。

The mission of the Shin-Etsu Group is to strictly comply with all laws and regulations, conduct fair business practices and contribute to people’s daily lives as well as to the advance of industry and society by providing key materials and technologies. We constantly seek the best possible technologies and product quality.

Introducing our main products

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is widely used worldwide as a basic material essential to housing as well as vital infrastructure components. Moreover, unlike other plastic products, about 60% of PVC’s raw material is salt. It has a low dependency on limited oil and natural gas resources, and it is an environmentally friendly product. With its superior environmental characteristics, products made from PVC are contributing to energy saving. Shintech, Inc. in the U.S., which possesses the world’s largest PVC production capacity, is offering high-quality PVC products to customers worldwide due to its strength in having integrated production plants from raw materials and its assiduous sales activities.

Semiconductor devices are widely used in PCs and other electronics products such as tablets, smartphones and mobile phones, automobiles and home appliances. Silicon wafers are used as substrate in making semiconductor devices and the Shin-Etsu Group pursues the world’s highest level of product quality and contributes to the high efficiency of semiconductor devices. At the same time, by reliably supplying silicon wafers to customers from each of our global production bases, we are contributing to the stable production of semiconductor devices.

Silicones are used in a wide range of application fields such as automobiles, electronics equipment, cosmetics, building construction materials and food, and the Shin-Etsu Group produces over 5,000 kinds of versatile silicone products. The many superior characteristics silicones possess make our daily lives richer and more comfortable.

Rare earth magnets are used in hybrid cars and electric cars and in motors for wind power generation. These magnets are contributing greatly to energy saving. In addition, cellulose products are environmentally friendly materials made from wood pulp and used as construction materials as well as coating and binding agents for pharmaceuticals.

Globally developing our businesses

The Shin-Etsu Group is manufacturing a wide diversity of products at our numerous production bases in various countries around the world. At present, about two thirds of our net sales are made outside of Japan. In our PVC business, Shintech, which is the world’s largest producer of PVC, sells to worldwide customers in addition to its domestic U.S. customers. In our silicon wafers business, in addition to Japan, we have production bases in the U.S., Malaysia, United Kingdom and Taiwan and are carrying out business risk dispersion. In addition, we have set up manufacturing and sales bases for various businesses in many countries, including China and other countries in Asia where strong economic growth is expected, and we are proactively making investments in anticipation of future demand expansion.

Pursuing Research and Development

The Shin-Etsu Group’s R&D policy is to develop innovative technologies which will further differentiate our products and raise value to avoid competition based on price. The R&D Department is committed to developing and then speeding up the commercialization of new products through its activities.

Contributing to society

As a company trusted by society, Shin-Etsu in all of our corporate activities always sets safety and the environment our utmost priority. We are also focusing on contributing to the conservation of the global environment through our key materials products and technologies.

The Shin-Etsu Group will strive to further enhance the products, sales force, manufacturing technologies and development power that we have cultivated up to now, and by continuing to speedily respond to business challenges around the globe, going forward, we will also continue to contribute to the development of society.

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